
MediaScan Subscription

Current subscription rates, not including PDV (VAT)*:
3 months 3,370 455 660
6 months 6,450 870 1,270
9 months 8,450 1,140 1,660
12 months 11,700 1,580 2,300

The subscription rate in EUR is binding. Other rates are provided for comparison only. Payment in HRK, or most major convertible currencies, is subject to fluctuating exchange rates.

Please take note that the rate is strictly tied to the payment period. For instance, payments made in quarterly installments will be charged according to the three-month rate - even if the subscription is for a full year. Payments are made by means of bank transfer to the bank account of Regional information and media services d.o.o. (RIMS) within 15 days of receipt of the invoice. Details are provided in the invoice.

Rates include the cost of distribution by email. Please indicate your file format preference (.doc, .rtf. (compatible with both MS Word and WordPerfect) or .txt).

To renew your subscription, please send a request via e-mail, or telephone, stating the number of months for which you would like to renew your subscription. Subscriptions end with the last day of the final month of your subscription.

MediaScan subscribers receive a special discount on subscriptions to Croatia: The Week in Review.

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* Subscription rates are subject to 25% PDV (VAT) for purchases in Croatia. Please note upon ordering if you (or your organization) are exempt from PDV (VAT).

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Croatia: The Week in Review Subscription

Current subscription rates, not including PDV (VAT)*:

Discounted  rates for subscribers of MediaScan:
3 months 300 40 50
6 months 570 75 95
9 months 800 105 130
12 months 1,000 130 160

Regular rates (for Croatia: The Week in Review subscription only):
3 months 2,000 270  365
6 months 3,200 430  585
9 months 4,500 600  820
12 months 5,500 735  1,000

The subscription rate in EUR is binding. Other rates are provided for comparison only. Payment in HRK, or most major convertible currencies, is subject to fluctuating exchange rates.

Please take note that the rate is strictly tied to the payment period. For instance, payments made in quarterly installments will be charged according to the three-month rate - even if the subscription is for a full year. Payments are made by means of bank transfer to the bank account of Regional information and media services d.o.o. (RIMS) within 15 days of receipt of the invoice. Details are provided in the invoice.

Rates include the cost of distribution by email. Please indicate your file format preference (.doc, .rtf. (compatible with both MS Word and WordPerfect) or .txt).

To renew your subscription, please send a request via e-mail, or telephone, stating the number of months for which you would like to renew your subscription. Subscriptions end with the last day of the final month of your subscription.

MediaScan subscribers receive a special discount on subscriptions to Croatia: The Week in Review.

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* Subscription rates are subject to 25% PDV (VAT) for purchases in Croatia. Please note upon ordering if you (or your organization) are exempt from PDV (VAT).

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